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AUGUST 18TH - 23RD 2024


EARLY BIRD TILL 18 JULY 2024 $1200

Six Day Retreat

Karlevi Sweden

The Medicine of Divine Duality

About the Retreat

Do you want to finally come home?


Get out of the wheel where you make your money where you don't really belong?


Access to realizing your own medicine and wisdom?

And add your own individual voice as a magical tool for healing and creation of reality?


My last retreat was called "Being Human is greater than you think".


This is the next phase of human evolution.


We are needed in our Divinity. Who we are when we step around the coin of duality, to the other side.


The retreat has lots of time for rest; necessary to harness the intense sensations of wisdom, enjoyment, healing and your path to manifesting your often hidden inner potential. Your potential feminine power will be harnessed to effortless performance; and by that activate your masculine potential in balance. Creativity is inherent in that process.


The wisdom that comes from your own integrated intelligence will open a portal and tools to take advantage of your life in love. A structure will emerge for how you want to continue to serve yourself, at the same time feed yourself and face the outside world. Divine duality is a portal to achieving what we have long sought.


All that you already are and have, your inner voice is the way. You are perfect as you are and everything you have experienced is your asset.


Divine Duality is the sweet spot created, when your present moment contains the sum of two counterparts.


The creative, loving area of oneness expanded into interplay with itself. When two counterparts match and merge with each other you are let into a portal to another dimension of existence. A living field of love and potential.


During our retreat, we will convert duality. Everything we have created thanks to duality; ego, shadow, filter, which in turn have created guilt and shame, contradictions and strife, can be eliminated thanks to the other side of duality.


Inaya has coined the name Divine Duality since experiencing Yin/Yang in its true energy, beyond the mind's understanding.


The creative, loving realm of Oneness has expanded into an interaction with itself.


When two counterparts match and merge with each other, you are released into a portal to another dimension of existence. A living field of love and potential.


Divine duality restores and underpins our ability to love… in the first step we regain our ability to love ourselves.


Most of the program will use high-frequency sounds and be practical. It will activate our voice, body and creativity. Our voice is such a valuable tool as it can provide instant healing and powerfully creates reality. It is the first form of the source energy of the Cosmos.


Do you want to join?

You can read more about Divine Duality in Inaya Oakroot's "1 best seller book on Amazon" Unfolding Your Pure Potential, which you will receive a signed copy of at the retreat as part of your welcome pack.


Divine Duality is nothing new, but thanks to an available higher frequency on Earth, it has become apparent. The very form and structure of Divine Duality gives the brain contours and knowledge to understand what has previously been formless. And it is our worldview and brain limitations that have kept us in the old paradigm. Only when our worldview allows the brain to operate in new dimensions can we reach what the contourless nature of our heart has latent.


Surely it is exciting!!!?


We will practice unity within ourselves, our communities, our workplaces and with the dynamics of the Cosmos and Earth. With the help of guided meditations, combined with high-frequency sounds, we arrive at a state where we can create our own life in every present moment. We will learn how to use undertones and sounds of vowels/consonants that provide an immediate response of healing – The healing of our imbalances/diseases is the path needed for us to be free to enter into our pure potential / our Divine Duality.


Divine Duality is for you if you want to


  • Be a part of serving and harvest the pleasure of the paradigm shift on Earth.

  • Interconnect your 3D world and your superconscious self.

  • Find your Pure Potential and use it in your daily life.

  • Find your way to earn your living from where you belong.

  • Leave the era of guilt and shame

  • Understand yourself from a point of selflove.

  • Have energy and trust that your life is important.

  • Evolve new parts of yourself in sacred space.

  • Experience that your Divine uniqueness have a place in the world.

  • Experience a life where you do less to achieve more.

  • Serve humanity with just being yourself, manifesting your dreams.

  • Have flow in your daily life, making your trajectories unfolding effortlessly.

  • Heal from wounded stories.

  • Use your voice to heal and connect to your Divine beingness.

  • Experience ease in life.

Your Preparation

Soft clothes that will make you comfortable moving your body, to music and drawing.


Be prepared for early mornings.

Materials Provided

Materials that will be given to you from Inaya in your Welcome Packs.


A signed copy of the book      









PLUS The Journal to Unfolding

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Program Outline

Day 1

5 pm – 8.30 pm


We open our retreat with a ceremony outside, at the world heritage Alvaret, and then continue the ceremony inside the studio. The ceremony invites and establishes our connection with all dimensions and guides who are then with us and support the retreat.


High frequency/rhythmic sounds bring us into the state where we are fully grounded and present in all aspects of ourselves.


A guided meditation brings us into the understanding and experience of Divine duality, to our own receptivity in the present.


We will ceremoniously step out of that which we desire to release, and plant our seed of longing; an intention that will grow and establish itself during the retreat.


8.30 pm Evening Meal

Program Outline

Day 2

Theme Day 2


Connect with the universal Divine network through "Divine Duality".


Forgiveness, healing, letting go, and belonging. Conscious healing with our voice.


7 am – 9 am


Breathing exercise


Guided meditation. Cosmos and the laws of the Earth. Understand the symbolic world. Conscious receivers and transmitters. The two faces of duality: the "triangle of victim", and the content where opposites merge into unity; Divine Duality.


Forgiving and letting go.


Sound undertones and experience our ability to scan and heal our body through our voice.


9 am – 10 am Breakfast


10 am – Noon

Chakra balance. Our unity between our feminine/masculine power. Our unique Seed of life. Using our voice as creative force and catalyst with pure healing source energy.


Noon – 4 pm Lunch. Own time. Opportunity for time in nature and swim in the sea, creation and rest.


4 pm  – 6 pm

Experiencing our light body, our MerKaBa, and our source of healing.


Healing our mother's and father's genetic lines.


Sharings in circle.


6 pm Dinner

Program Outline

Day 3

Theme Day 3


Divine Duality and the rebirth of our creativity where it arises from awakened potential. Conscious healing and potential through our voice.


7 am – 9 am


Breathing exercise


Dance/Yoga/Qi gong


The six paths of guidance. Energy connections for conscious creation.


Guided meditation into the triangle of Divine Duality. The journey into the portal to a new platform of creation. Experiencing your pure potential and your possible re-creation of reality.


9 am – 10 am Breakfast


10 am – Noon

Your unique altar – your avatar


Our brain/heart and body. Their unique intelligences and their changed capacity when combined as conscious tools.


Noon – 4 pm Lunch. Own time. Opportunity for time in nature and swim in the sea, creation and rest.


4 pm  – 6 pm

Nature as midwife.


Your inner voice and essential intention. Sound it into eternity. (Steps 1-2 in the Manifestation wheel)


The use of symbols


Sharings in circle.


6 pm Dinner

Program Outline

Day 4

Theme Day 4


Dedication and direction. Conscious healing and safety through our voice.


7 am – 9 am


Breathing exercise.


Dans/Yoga/Qi gong


”Appreciate inquiry”


9 am – 10 am breakfast


10 am – Noon


Guided meditation using Divine Duality to transform intention into form. (Step 3 of the Wheel of Manifestation).


Noon – 4 pm Lunch. Own time. Opportunity for time in nature and swim in the sea, creation and rest.


4 pm  – 6 pm


Root your feminine/masculine balance on a new level, and your inner voice.


Building structures.


Celebrate yourself.


Sharings in circle.


6 pm Dinner

Program Outline

Day 5

Theme Day 5


The universal magic. Ourselves as empty vessels, able to become one with the pure flow of the cosmos and become magicians. Our voice and body as a medium.


3.30 am – 5.30 am

We will Create flower essence in the Dreamstate.

Car trip to the silence before sunrise on the east coast of the island. We will experience the magic time where the moon and the sun are in their state of being one with each other.


6 am – 9 am Breakfast and time for just being in our here and now.


9 am – Noon

Breathing exercise

Sharing our morning experiences.


We as empty vessels. Experience the now moment.


As a quick sketch, we're redoing our Manifestation Wheel intuitively.


Noon – 4 pm Lunch. Own time. Opportunity for time in nature and swim in the sea, creation and rest.


4 pm  – 6 pm

Symbols describing the manifestation.

Stepping stones to manifestation.

Sharings in circle


6 pm Dinner

Program Outline

Day 6

Theme Day 6


Overview and completion.


7 am – 9 am


Breathing exercise


Individual completion


9 am – 11 am Breakfast and individual needs


11 am – 2 pm

We close the retreat in ceremony



2 pm Lunch

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Inaya 9.jpeg


Born in Sweden as Cesilia Ekroth 1962.

Inaya has dedicated herself to the artistic path since the age of 5.


She was always guided to other realities other than the common well-worn routes in life.


Her art was her tool in her lifelong investigation into an authentic life beyond the veil taught by society.


She started her career as a tennis coach at the age of 14. Over her 30-year career as a tennis coach, she trained 5 to 60-year-olds, male and female, beginners and juniors at a high level of competition. This created an incredible understanding of people and what makes them tick, their motivations, and their behaviours.


All the while she combined her love and talent for art with various art exhibitions in Scandinavia and abroad, becoming successful beyond her wildest expectations.


By the age of 40, she started her next chapter as a consultant, board member and creator of educational programs for the corporate and public sectors.


Her speciality was implementing creativity and entrepreneurship with the intention to eliminate the separation between the different fields of excellence.  Her drive was to break down those silos between departments and between different authority levels and help teams to operate at the highest level of performance, staying competitive in a changing world.


She was also the owner and operator of a refugee camp for four years. Bringing her face to face with trauma, war, separation, death, and loss.


Her work then led her to write various books about the coming of a new reality and the shift of consciousness, helping people to navigate the new paradigm.


The last 8 years have been dedicated to the healing arts, as a sound healer, and energy healer, specialising in the akashic records, plus shamanic studies and practices through Energy Medicine Institute (EMI). As well as being an artist, and author, while still working in the corporate world with teams as a leadership coach.


She is now the founder of Oakroot Spiritual Academy, bringing her life's work together under one roof to connect seekers to their Divine Duality.  Doing her part for Earth and its people's ascension.


You are a universe within yourself.

Come on a unique journey to shape your new reality.

For those who live in one world that pays the bills, the other a world that fits your ethics, values, and consciousness.

Welcome to your unfolding.

You're invited to cross the bridge between your two worlds and create one world within, through and around you.


Download the Prospectus

For further information and to ask any questions you may have
Book your Free Discovery Session

The Experience Explained

In her retreats Inaya integrates Divine Duality, healing what we created with inverted duality.


Her call is to make humanity shine with full awareness of their connection and belonging. Divine Duality is a place where Oneness expands to be both still and creative. Both empowered as an individual and unified with all that is.


Inaya integrates Divine Duality layer by layer, with the new landscape that is conceived by the process, transforming the participant's worldview from the inside. A worldview that offers us all the ability to step into our pure potential.

It all starts with our way of breathing. A vertical breath that is making us fully connected and balanced between our inner feminine and masculine. Our three devices - mind, heart and body are integrated within and with Earth and source through the breath.


The first step is to experience the true energy of Yin/Yang; to logically and emotionally experience and understand the real power of the Universal Mother and the Universal Father, and their interplay. The existence of all living things and how we can access it through Divine Duality.


The next step is to integrate our chakras by drawing The Flower of Life.  The pure existence in its first expansion from oneness. With the unfolding of the growth from chakra to chakra, Inaya accompanies acoustic sounds and rhythms that relate to each chakra, and the participant's movements, connections to their body, drawings and sounds integrate all their beingness with source expansion, through themselves.

During the days we come to points where we heal through connecting counterparts. A slow process where potential is been created by the process. High frequency sounds, nature and our own voice are the bridge for transformation and establishing/grounding a silence and happiness within.


We heal genetic lines, and release our judgements with forgiveness. We then look at our big shifts in life to heal what is still there, connecting our now selves with ourselves living our dream. We look at our relationship to money, and so much more, depending on what stands in the way for each of the participants. It all comes to the surface by the process and gets resolved.

Every participant is creating their Altar; their Avatar self, during the retreat. An anchor point holding their powerful frequency, that will work for them 24/7. All participants establish their access to the tools of healing with sounds and Divine Duality, to be able to integrate the new, when coming back to everyday life.


Step by step our consciousness and the healing of our imbalances comes into a new way of being. A radiant self, integrated with Creation itself.  Able to co-create with The Existence/Cosmos. Using the different dimensions to express information, and how to navigate with our dreams and intentions where the impact is at its highest potential.

During our days we come closer to strategy, creating our new path – AFTER truly accessing our innate power, joy, individuality and connections. Nothing is a doing!

All unfolds from our wonder and potential.


We awaken each day with our Shamanic morning routines and establish the connection to the six dimensions of Earth. A connection that with the daily process, makes us hear, sense and integrate with nature.


Inaya as a conductor with her full presence, connected to her guides during the retreat, is letting source create the process through her. The energy unfolding in each participant is the playground for each interaction to reach the intention of the participants, and the retreat itself, is unified.

We get access to our Divine Being during the integrating process of Divine Duality

What I take away with me as the most important things from the retreat.
The morning practice with the 6 dimensions, I will continue with this. I felt this practice was already strong and helped me to ground and welcome the day, as well as get in contact with my guides to help and protect me throughout the day.

The Breathing exercise with the silver-green line of Divine Duality. I have started using it on blockages and things I need to let go of in my life. I feel this is a fantastic tool and when the dualities meet it´s always a magical feeling.
Witnessing in silence - so powerful to be in. To see and feel each other, so much to share with energy and to look into each other eyes.
The connection we did with the chakras, with the guiding and together with movement and sound. I have never before felt this connected with the chakras and how the connections were built up from the ground.
The Inquiries with Threshold and the Shining - such a great way to come back and feel the power we have and use it as a tool. Also to witness each other in this process, it helped me to see what is important to me.
The Strategy on how to come forward - so clear and inspiring to make a strategy on how to be able to reach where I want to be.
How Inaya held the space and was able to always be sensitive and intuitive to where we are in the process and what we need for the moment to come forward is amazing.
I have never felt when I have come back from a retreat before that I am so ready to meet life! It wasn´t just a beautiful bubble to be in, I have the feeling that I have the tools to be able to maintain the flow in my life and to be the conductor of my life.

Klara Ingvarsdotte

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