I have such incredible beloveds who make my life thrive.
A web of love where I will name the ones whom I’ve had a vivid relationship with while writing this book, influencing so much of the content.
First, my beloved husband and Earth Angel Håkan, who in your silent way, holds all of my sacred work as time unfolds. All my love back to you.
My gratitude to my beloved soul sister Chaplin, whom I had daily voice messages of wisdom with throughout the whole writing process, from our two opposite continents of the Globe. We experience such a wonder of life together.
To Neppe, Barbro and Lotta who in, perfect synchronicity, invited me to a wonderful evening with sharing and authentic music. Our evening helped me to get through the vulnerability at the start of writing this book.
To my beloved Marijke, with whom I had a great art session in the middle of it all, helping me to break through the confusion and come out the other side and for gently photographing me for this book.
To my beloved sisters in my sacred circle of womanhood, Meymuna, Anna, Klara, Elin and our guest Audrey, where we are in a place of true authentic self, held by our mutually created heartful sacred space.
To my dear fellows from around the Globe, gathered in quiet meditations daily, and our pod “JIMBA”.
To my magical team at Energy Medicine Institute, with Lou, Katrena and Vicki as my beloved teachers.
And my humble gratitude to all my guides, holding space for me, and my main guide during this process, Archangel Raphael. You guided me through such an amazing journey, gently moving my soul into the process and its content. Sometimes moving my pen and the buttons of the computer, with my body just following.
I am in such gratitude to you all.
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